The Boost Production is ON + Info About Shipping Deadlines

The Boost Production is ON + Info About Shipping Deadlines

Long time no see! Hey boosters, how is quarantine going for you all?

Our team truly hopes you’ve found a way to stay safe and balanced while self-isolating. It’s a true-life test we all have to overcome. But I’m sure you guys are holding strong!

If you don’t feel like reading the whole update (it’s great, btw), here’s a recap of everything:

  • Production has fully started (Yay!)
  • First batch of orders will be ready by June 10th, 2020
  • Test runs with new prototypes in Bali & California
  • The Boost app is in development
  • Another cool Bali video coming soon
  • To become a distributor, go to

As explained in our previous update, the Coronavirus has impacted our production and delivery timelines. Due to almost two extra months of delay in China, our production has just fully started, slowly but surely.
It looks like China is over the virus peak. Why is the delay still happening?” – the reason is it’s still incredibly difficult to communicate and coordinate with the production authorities. Logistics and delivery of the electronics and other spare Boost parts have also been difficult to arrange. And there is no way for us to get into China right now. The country is closed for all foreigners.

Regardless of all those obstacles, we are sticking to our June shipping deadline. We have a due date set for our first early-bird orders (those who backed us before February) to be ready for shipping around June 10th, 2020. The rest of the orders will be ready in about a week after that, around June 20th, 2020.
Hopefully, the pandemic will dial down by July, and you’ll be able to finally get back into the water and give the Boost fin a proper try!

the boost is ON + Info about Shipping Deadlines

Photo by Michael Dyrland

We are doing our best to keep working and making progress even when it seems like the whole world was put on hold.

We’ve been also busy with developing the Boost App and I’m prepping another rad video for you guys of my Boost adventures on Bali (I’m still here with a part of our team, given the difficulties of getting to the production site in China). We are test running new prototypes in Bali now and should test run in California by the end of next week. Can’t wait for those shoots. Stay tuned! 

The Boost Production is ON + Info About Shipping Deadlines

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to us on Instagram, Facebook, Kickstarter, Indiegogo or just email (at [email protected]).

P.S. If you are reading this part, you must really like us. Perhaps, so much that you’d want to become a Boost distributor? Why should you become one?

  • There’s a huge interest in the Boost fin worldwide (over 2000 pre-orders)
  • You’ll get our insights about your target market: demographics, interests, and tips on how to sell
  • We will provide all the promotional materials for the Boost fins
  • Even more great perks and discounts 

If you think this might be for you, just fill out this form at and we’ll gladly reach out.

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